Friday, February 18, 2011

1st day on Chinese Traditional Medicine

As I mentioned in my previous post, I went to Melaka to meet a Chinese Traditional "Doctor" and he gave me some presciption for my "illness". Click here to check on the post. So today is my 1st day on the prescription [I know I should have started earlier but.... Got too many excuses for me >.<].

I was given 2 type of medicine which 1 is pills and another 1 is powder. I have to take 6 pills in the morning and 1 spoon [provided by him] of the powder at nite, continuously for 5 days. After which I could take it once every 2/3 days. The prescriptions could last for about 2 months. Since I have just started this morning, so I haven't try on the powder yet.

After I taken the pills this morning, I felt my head very heavy >.< and nausea o.O But the "doctor" informed me that within the 1st 5 days, do not call him in case got any pain or whatever as this is normal symptom. Ahem... I'm not sure whether this is the symptom of the medicine or it's just because I didn't get enough sleep yesterday night >.< Well... Anyway, I also have to continue to take it for 5 days 1st. I will update again after 5 days ^^

By the way, I would like to inform that I have just received the parcel of my contact lenses ^^ Yay~~~ Finally it reached. Actually I supposed to received it on Wednesday but due to some unforseen circumstances, the delivery is been delayed >.< However, I'm still excited that it finally arrived (safely, I guess). Hahaha.. I haven't open the parcel yet so... I supposed nothing wrong happen to it [again] ^^

Stay tune for my update on the medicine result and review of the contact lenses ^^


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